Welcome to the Website of the Randwerk Cooperative.
Randwerk is a cooperative Indie Game Studio in Berlin – the first Game Studio to use the german cooperative form. Our first commercial Game, ABRISS – Build to Destroy, released in 2023 and won the German Computer Game Award for best Graphics that same year. Randwerk is supported by the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg Media Fund and the DE:HIVE Institute Berlin.

The Randwerk Team

Friedrich Beyer
Visual Development / 3D Modeling / Texturing / Lighting / Environment Design

Till Freitag
Game Design / Development / Level Design / VFX / Finance

Johannes Knop
Production / Game Design / Project Management / Sound / Development / Bizdev
What is a Cooperative?
A cooperative is basically a democratic company. Every member of the cooperative owns a share, and all members devide a certain percentage of the revenue among themselves. Each member has one vote, no matter how much money they have put into the cooperative. We elect a chairperson who has the highest business responsibility. The german cooperative model is called “Genossenschaft”
Why are you a Cooperative?
We think that a working environment where real, legal equality is guaranteed will complement the flat hierarchy common in Startup-Businesses wonderfully. Our goal is to have a workplace where we can be as productive and creative as we want to be, and all profit the company makes will either be reinvested or distributed evenly to the members. We want to try if this old organisational technology combined with modern ways of digital cooperation will let us work in new, interesting and healthy ways.
What Games do you make?
We are working on our first title right now, ABRISS.
We have a very high standard for originality, so our games will look and feel different than a lot of other games. What we will make depends on what we can do, so if ABRISS performs well, we might be able to make something with more people or a longer development cycle the next time around.
Do you have a Job for me?
Sadly no, we don’t have any Jobs, Internships, Apprenticeships or similar to offer.